Ken Sim profile avatar
Kenneth Sim

Sr. Web Developer

Get to know Kenneth

About Kenneth Sim

Learn more about what makes me tick.

  • Father & Husband

    I'm blessed with a fantastic wife three beautiful girls and one handsome son. They're my #1 priority.

  • Videographer

    I've been taking and editing videos for close to 10 years. Just a hobby, though.

  • Entrepreneur

    Starting and running businesses is in my blood, and it's been that way since I was a kid. I'm wired to be an entrepreneur.

  • Music Lover

    I love almost all kinds of music, but when I want to get into the zone, alternative rock and metal sets my rythum.

  • Gadget Freak

    I have always had a passion for electronics and understanding how they work. As a young boy, I took apart my mother's toaster because I wanted to know how it worked.

  • Ambivert

    I can be outgoing when I need to be, but my natural tendency is to be quiet and reserved. And I think very deeply about a lot of things.